How to sort a four-column database into groups by sums of 30 found from the fourth column?

I have an excel database with four columns (A, B, C, D). The fourth column (D) has integers. I want to know how to sort the data by summed groups of 30 from the data in D. For example this data: Four columns with the first three columns of unnecessary data and the fourth column … Read more

Sorting formulas that contain numbers and null values

(There might be an answer to this question somewhere, but I can’t find it. Sometimes you don’t know how to ask a question in a search field. Sorry if I missed it.) I have a sheet that I update with new data every day and five or six columns that each have formulas to manipulate … Read more

How to alternate ascending descending sorting for a column of variable names?

I want to switch the sorting from ascending to descending whenever the variable in a column of my dataset changes. An example to demonstrate the sorting I want is as follows. I tried adding another column to add an odd or even number and then sort ascending when even and descending when odd but donot … Read more

How to Sort unique Contacts?

I have a list of 35k contacts, I need to sort unique after unique I demonstrated in this example how I want to sort contacts: I tried by removing duplicates then to copy unique and to go back to compare with original file, but that process takes time and it’s not easy. Answer On cell … Read more