Any workaround Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2013?

Some customers need to get exchange 2003 working with Outlook 2013 (while MS does not support products after 10 years) (and the customers will not spend more money to upgrade). is there any workaround to get these 2 beasts work together? Answer Yes. This is a little complicated, so bear with me. First, your customer … Read more

Undeliverable messages to newly migrated Exchange user

We are in the process of migrating from our old domain to a new one, part of which involves migrating mailboxes from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007. A bunch of users have been migrated already without problems. However, one of the users is having trouble receiving emails from others. When someone sends to him, they … Read more

Calendar dates different from the original scheduler IN OUTLOOK 2007 AND exchange 2003

I am using Windows Exchange 2003 on a Windows 2003 server machine. Now I do not know what have happened, all my users using Outlook 2007 are having calendar issues. When a user in my network receive a scheduler, the date is appearing different on outlook calendar from the one on the scheduler. For example … Read more

Forwarding email from Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2007/2010/2013

I have two Exchange Servers – Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2007. I want to forward any email that comes in Exchange Server 2003 to Exchange Server 2007. After getting an idea on how to forward an email to Exchange Server 2007, I will implement this technique to forward an email to Exchange Server … Read more

How do I move an Exchange 2003 mailbox that has corrupt emails on it to another Exchange 2003 server?

I have a junk Exchange 2003 environment. It has two administrative groups. I’m trying to consolidate all my administrative groups into one by migrating all the mailboxes from the “older” administrative group to the “less older” one (still Exchange 2003), before I start my upgrade to a newer environment. I’m down to one stubborn mailbox. … Read more

How to create running live server images Windows 2003 Server?

We have Windows 2003 Server (Oracle, Exchange 2003) running on old hardware and these are very critical servers. My company is not investing in IT department. I am looking full server live IMAGE on daily basis without rebooting system/server. I am in big trouble. Could you please help me. Regards, A Answer Backup Exec 2010 … Read more

SBS 2003; Exchange 2003 can’t receive mails without SMTP connection but without POP3 connector [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question i hope you can help. I’m losing my mind. I’m not a specialist in SBS but i have a huge problem. I wanted … Read more

MS Exchange 2003 to Google Apps Migration Domain Verification

My company just decided to move to Google Apps due to lots of technical issues with our Exchange 2003 server. I have just signed up for the free trial account for Google Apps and one of the first steps required is verifying domain ownership. It has something to do with adding a TXT record or … Read more

exchange server admin privileges and what he can do

I want to know if exchange admin can edit sent emails subject of other content from any inbox. I also want to know what can the admin do to our emails. regards, Answer An administrator can do anything they like. Send As permissions aren’t there by default, but they can grant the permission and then … Read more