How can I use etckeeper via sudo with different users and have the correct user in the commit message? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Correct user names when tracking /etc/ in git repository and committing as root (6 answers) Closed 8 years ago. I’m working on a server with several admin users. Each of them can use sudo to make configuration changes. We’re keepeing our /etc directory version-controlled using etckeeper. However, when I … Read more

EtcKeeper: Switching from bzr to git

I’ve been using etckeeper on my Digital Ocean droplet for sometime and have made numerous changes to the /etc since that time. I now realize that i’ve been using bzr all this time and would like to switch to git; but fear that i shall loose all the incremental changes i’ve made to my /etc … Read more

How do I turn off etckeeper. It’s preventing me from upgrading Ubuntu

I’m trying to upgrade from Ubuntu Karmic to Lucid, but it fails because etckeeper detects changes which happen during sudo do-release-upgrade and prevents the running of apt. How do I temporarily turn it off? Edit: ** etckeeper detected uncommitted changes in /etc prior to apt run ** Aborting apt run. Manually commit and restart. Exception … Read more

How to store etckeeper repositories on a central server via git

I would like to have one central git repository for all my servers’ etckeeper .git repos. Here the suggestion was to use a file in /etc/etckeeper/commit.d, which basically looks like this, assuming that a git repo had been set up in somedir on somehost: #!/bin/sh cd /etc git push faruser@farhost:somedir The problem with this is, … Read more

etckeeper, Git checkout, and broken file permissions in /etc

I wanted to figure out why, after a etckeeper commit, I had a problem with rebooting (already solved thanks to this great thing). I played with etckeeper, did git checkout some_commit_sha for a quick look and then git checkout master. And it seems my file permissions in /etc were broken after those manipulations. All files … Read more

etckeeper pushing to github

I set up etckeeper and added the file /etc/etckeeper/commit.d/60github-push in order to push the commit to github. [orschiro@thinkpad etc]$ sudo cat /etc/etckeeper/commit.d/60github-push #!/bin/sh set -e if [ “$VCS” = git ] && [ -d .git ]; then cd /etc/ git push origin master fi However, pushing to github fails as etckeeper tries to push as … Read more

etckeeper on custom directory

I have been reading about etckeeper, but I can’t work out if you can use it on any other directories other than /etc. There seems to be no reference to /etc in any configuration file (that I can find) so I assue this is hard coded and you can’t chose directories to monitor. Is this … Read more

Is it possible to use etckeeper with a single shared git repository?

I noticed that several people have recommended using etckeeper to apply version control to my /etc directory. It appears to me that the default install puts a repository on the same machine as the /etc you are trying to manage. This works fine for version control, but doesn’t give the added benefit of making an … Read more

Can etckeeper be used to track config files outside of /etc?

Specifically I would like to track my grub.conf (/boot/grub/grub.conf) and some oracle files (i.e. /db/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora). I attempted using links; however etckeeper/git only tracks where the link points to, not the actual contents. And I can not create hard links as the files are on another volume. I know I could setup another GIT repository but … Read more