Can’t Find Documentation for HTTPd Directory Directive

I’ve been searching through the httpd docs and google, and I simply cannot find ANYWHERE that documents the complete list of what may go inside of the Directory directive. Here’s the main documentation of the Directory directive: It talks about what the directive DOES, but not what it can CONTAIN. At the end, it … Read more

“Remember” the CLI commands you ran for a server [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed last month. Improve this question Assume you have a third party program running on a server. To configure it, you log in, apply some CLI commands and leave again. … Read more

CentOS 5.5 Package documentation

Usually when I install a common package like PostgreSQL or MySQL or Python etc using Yum it installs the files held within those packages into locations specific to CentOS itself. It may also install scripts specific to CentOS only. These paths may not be the same as the defaults found within the source distributions found … Read more

How to track physical drives to server LUNs & mount points

I need to document which physical drives each server depends on ( SAN, on an external array, iSCSI etc). Since this potentially a many-many relationship, with dependencies, finding a usable solution is a small challenge. What tools (or Excel tricks) do you use to document the dependencies mentioned above? Answer If your familiar with Perl, … Read more

visually documenting web server configuration and infrastructure

I have just finished a large re-organization and update of our institutions web server(s). This server hosts 3 virtual hosts, 3-4 blogs, 2 wikis, some legacy static HTML pages, and many hosted documents (PDF, .jpg, .xls). I have organized the site into a structure of something like: /var/www/sites/vhost1, vhost2, vhost3 …/wordpress/blogX …/mediawiki/wikiX Data is in … Read more

Copying files from one machine to another

I’m currently generating documentation on one machine, and publishing it to a web server using the following commands in a script: net use “\\someShare” PASSWORD /user:username del /S /Q “\\someShare” xcopy /E /Y Documentation\html\* “\\someShare\” However, it feels like a really bad idea to have a password as plain text in the script, so I’m … Read more

Can I get a clear summary of how and when each part of a chef cookbook is loaded/executed?

Here’s what a chef cookbook looks like: . ├── attributes │   ├── default.rb │   └── bla.rb ├── files │   ├── default │   │   └── some_file.txt │   └── windows │      └── some_file.txt ├── libraries │   ├── mylib.rb │   └── default.rb ├── providers │   ├── default.rb │   └── foo.rb ├── recipes │   ├── bar.rb │   └── … Read more

Network maps, best admin practises and how them saved your ass?

I am reviewing the security of a (quite large) network. There are a some thousands switches, several hundred routers, several hundred access points, tenths of FW, IPS, and so on. PCs and servers are on the bazillion side of the scale. I have asked the network responsibles (not actual admins) for network maps for weeks … Read more


Where can I find free technical documentation on EMC Application EXtender? This is a distributed system for “Storage, Organization, and Management of Business-Critical Information”. The IT team where I’m in has on his machines an installation of a server of this product, but I’m having troubles finding knowledge about it. There are Microsoft Windows or … Read more