kubernetes not connecting to docker hub

Alright, so I am trying to publish a private docker image to kubernetes, and I am running into some odd issues. I start of with logging into docker docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_TOKEN and that will store my password in a config file for me, so I run this kubectl create secret generic regcred … Read more

Beginners guide to offline docker & docker registry

Considering “no online internet acess on server” phenomena in enterprises netwoek – how one approach docker & docker registry practice ? Answer With a mirror and/or proxy. Your private registry has Internet to proxy public images, and everyone uses it as a mirror. Where the registry cannot have Internet, push your own images or otherwise … Read more

Docker registery show images

I installed docker registry according to this Document now i have this images : registry latest 9d0c4eabab4d 2 weeks ago 33.2 MB nginx 1.9 c8c29d842c09 12 months ago 183 MB and this containers : faa2aece26bd nginx:1.9 “nginx -g ‘daemon …” 18 hours ago Up 16 minutes 80/tcp,>443/tcp dockerregistry_nginx_1 e4cbee0e296e registry:latest “/entrypoint.sh /e…” 18 hours … Read more

Docker login from GitLab CI without possibility to access Docker registry password from .gitlab-ci.yaml?

I’m trying to set up a CI environment to build and push a Docker image for a project. The Docker registry I’m trying to push to is a private registry that requires me to log in. I can log in to the registry using the docker login my-registry command. I cannot change the configuration of … Read more

How let user manage web applications using docker?

For web hosting, my company is looking to use docker containers for each web application with a reverse proxy as front-end. It works but we are looking for a way to let our users manage their own applications, admins will control public and private accesses via the reverse proxy and the dns. But we cannot … Read more

AWS ECR allow pull for all?

I’ve uploaded a few docker containers to AWS ECR. I’m trying to Docker Pull without any authentication, which doesn’t seem to work. I’ve read that there’s a way to authenticate with a token for only 12 hours, this is not a good option for my setup. I’m trying to have the Registry available for all … Read more

openshift cannot create imagestreammappings in project, error message in private registry.

when I push to the registry, I get a 500 internal error message. Openshift registry logs are: time=”2017-03-01T07:46:47.970130059Z” level=error msg=”response completed with error” err.code=unknown err.detail=”User \”system:serviceaccount:default:registry\” cannot create imagestreammappings in project \”default\”” err.message=”unknown error” go.version=go1.7.4 http.request.contenttype=”application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+ prettyjws” Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : user159192121 , Answer Author : Community

Openshift import-image fails to pull because of certification errors, however docker does

i have created a TLS private docker registry. I have updated the ca-trust in the machine that I want to pull from and it works, curl works without the -k parameter, docker can pull etc. However, the openshift import-image command fails, due to signed by unknown authority error. Openshift secrets are mostly for username and … Read more

Gitlab Runner installation Docker in Docker

Alright, so I am trying to install, register and successfully use a Gitlab Runner as a container in docker with the executor docker, basically docker in docker. I had some problems with it but was able to solve them on my own. I am running gitlab-ce in another container under the same host but this … Read more