How to create a shortcut to a file on Fileshare and hide the path from user

we are sharing a certain powershell script to our remote users; the powershell script wuill be hosted on the file share and the link(shortcut) to the bat file(which executed the powershell script) will be propagated on the desktops of the users.The problem is when they right click and see the properties of the shortcut, they … Read more

Force Shortcut onto a fixed Desktop/Start Menu of a single PC

We have folder redirection setup for our users through GPO but I need for one PC to include a couple of shortcuts in the start menu or on the desktop. The folders are loaded from a server path. Is it possible to set that up on the machine or will I have to create separate … Read more

Powershell Enviroment Variables not found

I’m trying to create a Shortcut for a powershell script that uses [Environment]::UserName the shortcut will be started from the correct user I want to read from env variable. %SystemRoot%\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noexit -File “C:\test\test.ps1” This the target on the shortcut. How can I make Env variables work? Thanks Answer The powershell syntax i … Read more

Deploying a shortcut to an Excel spreadsheet via GPP

I’ve been messing around with GPP for shortcut/favorites deployment, but I can’t seem to get it to work with a spreadsheet located on a network drive. I know the GPO is linked and the shortcut is targeted correctly, because if I change the shortcut to a network share path it is created and works perfectly. … Read more

Desktop shortcut yields different environment variables than command line

I have just installed a software package. This package created a desktop shortcut to launch the software. When I double click the shortcut it launches the software. Within the software app interface it displays the value of %PATH%. If I run the very same command as contained in the shortcut from a cmd.exe window then … Read more

How to create .zip archive containing preserved symlinks (shortcuts) in Windows (CLI)

How can I create a .zip compressed archive in Windows from the command-line that preserves symlinks? I’m trying to create .zip file in PowerShell that includes a relative symlink from one file to another file in that archive, but I either encounter an error or the shortcut turns into a non-symlink file after extraction. mkdir … Read more

How to create .zip archive containing preserved symlinks (shortcuts) in Windows (CLI)

How can I create a .zip compressed archive in Windows from the command-line that preserves symlinks? I’m trying to create .zip file in PowerShell that includes a relative symlink from one file to another file in that archive, but I either encounter an error or the shortcut turns into a non-symlink file after extraction. mkdir … Read more

“do you want to open this file” dialog XP SP2 driving me nuts

I used ApplicationMover to move some applications to a second drive, which worked fine but it didn’t update the desktop shortcuts. So I deleted and recreated them. Now every time I try to use one I get asked “Do you want to open this file?” It describes the file as Name: Quickbooks 2009.lnk Type: Shortcut … Read more