How do you force a process to become the parent process of another application?

I am using cygwin and writing a debugger, and I found this question worthy of superuser. I am trying to make my program insert itself above another on the process tree, without ptrace, as it is not implemented. Thank you in advance. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : The XGood , Answer Author … Read more

Getting This site can’t be reached after doing Manual Proxy settings in wifi on Andoid/IOS device

I am trying to do proxy configuration in Redmi Note 7 Android 9. I have connected my Macbook and Device to the same wifi network, after doing manual configuration for Proxy IP address:192.168.XX.XX, Port 8888 I am not able to the browser itself. Getting error message that I am offline on Google chrome. I have … Read more

How can I call OutputDebugString from a windows batch file

The context: I have a batch file that runs periodically as a scheduled task. While I can debug this with echo statements by invoking it directly from a Cmd.exe command prompt window, If I could call OutputDebugString from the batch file, I could presumably monitor the scheduled task with DebugView++ or similar. Is this possible? … Read more

How do I attach windbg kernel debugger to the local machine?

I have used bcdedit.exe -debug on and rebooted. However I still get the error: ————————— WinDbg:10.0.19041.685 X86 ————————— The system does not support local kernel debugging. Local kernel debugging requires Administrative privileges, and is not supported by WOW64. Only a single local kernel debugging session can run at a time. Local kernel debugging is disabled … Read more

How to analyse a compiled running program for performance characteristics?

I have a process I run regularly on a machine and am starting to spec a dedicated machine for the purpose. If it is possible to choose a processor or memory that are optimised for this, how would I go about analysing the program, perhaps debugging or disassembly, to evaluate the types of instruction it … Read more

PyCharm (2021.1.3) debug mode opens new tab of same source file

Whenever I am debugging my code and hit a breakpoint, PyCharm jumps into a new tab opening the same file in which I’ve set the breakpoint. The second tab is then closed immediately, jumping back to the original source code file. However, the line where it hit the breakpoint is not marked and I don’t … Read more

PyCharm (2021.1.3) debug mode opens new tab of same source file

Whenever I am debugging my code and hit a breakpoint, PyCharm jumps into a new tab opening the same file in which I’ve set the breakpoint. The second tab is then closed immediately, jumping back to the original source code file. However, the line where it hit the breakpoint is not marked and I don’t … Read more

PyCharm (2021.1.3) debug mode opens new tab of same source file

Whenever I am debugging my code and hit a breakpoint, PyCharm jumps into a new tab opening the same file in which I’ve set the breakpoint. The second tab is then closed immediately, jumping back to the original source code file. However, the line where it hit the breakpoint is not marked and I don’t … Read more

Visual Studio 2015 F5 doesn’t attach to the proces

This is what I’m doing: Set C++ project as startup project Build Set many break points press F5 the correct project is started, the breakpoints are shown as valid and loaded (filled red circle), visual studio says “Running” in the title bar, the debug toolbar is activated but the program doesn’t stop on the break … Read more