Powerpoint export as emf does not respect cropped images

I have a slide that contains cropped images. When exporting to EMF, the images in the resulting EMF file are not cropped. Is there a way to fix this? (other than cropping the images in an external application and re-including the already cropped images). Related: Powerpoint – EMF – Preserve shape properties high resolution image … Read more

Powerpoint export as emf does not respect cropped images

I have a slide that contains cropped images. When exporting to EMF, the images in the resulting EMF file are not cropped. Is there a way to fix this? (other than cropping the images in an external application and re-including the already cropped images). Related: Powerpoint – EMF – Preserve shape properties high resolution image … Read more

can’t crop image with built in Windows 10 photos app without getting an “Oops! We couldn’t save that one.”

I open a photo in the Windows 10 Photos app and then select the Edit option: I then crop the image but when I try to save the cropped image I get the following error: The error would make sense if my HDD was full but it isn’t (I have 400GB+ available). Any ideas? Answer … Read more

ffmpeg cropping: ‘Invalid too big or non positive size for width ‘2304’ or height ‘4096’

i’m trying to crop video to format 1080:1920, it works with most videos but sometimes it fails “Invalid too big or non positive size for width ‘2304’ or height ‘4096’” this is the code I use ffmpy.FFmpeg(inputs={“input.mp4”: None}, outputs={“output.mp4”: [“-y”, “-vf”, “crop=ih*(9/16):ih,scale=1080:1920”, “-preset”, “ultrafast”]}) Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Kataklycm , Answer … Read more

ffmpeg cropping: ‘Invalid too big or non positive size for width ‘2304’ or height ‘4096’

i’m trying to crop video to format 1080:1920, it works with most videos but sometimes it fails “Invalid too big or non positive size for width ‘2304’ or height ‘4096’” this is the code I use ffmpy.FFmpeg(inputs={“input.mp4”: None}, outputs={“output.mp4”: [“-y”, “-vf”, “crop=ih*(9/16):ih,scale=1080:1920”, “-preset”, “ultrafast”]}) Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Kataklycm , Answer … Read more

The photos program for Windows 10 won’t let me crop – I crop it but it won’t save the crop

I click towards the top right to open Crop & Rotate. I crop the photo to the dimensions I want. I press Save a copy. Then I save – and if I save over the original file or I make a new file, it is still NOT cropped. What am I missing? Some enter button … Read more