Video playback very white contrast with multiple video players

So here is the deal, all my video players, EXCEPT winamp, are displaying the video with a very white contrast. I have the community combined codec pack installed, I have tried reinstalling the codecs and reinstalling the players. Not sure why winamp works, but since winamp has problems with aero and full screen, I need … Read more

Adjust contrast on Windows 7 Laptop

Problem: The brightness/contrast on my laptop is way off. There is little conrast and on the maximum brightness everything is just kind of hazy/halo like. Lowering the brightness a little bit doesn’t help and quickly makes everything very dark, but still hazy/halo like with no contrast to be able to see borders on windows. What … Read more

Change the contrast of a pdf

There are many suggestions but they usually apply to documents. They do not work on scanned papers. Is there a way to decrease the contrast of a pdf image altogether? Answer I would suggest converting the file to JPG to be able to edit the brightness and contrast. You can use free online sites such … Read more

Force Dark mode for Apps in Windows 10

I was using High Contrast Black till today, but something messed up and I started seeing ugly colored text in chrome, I did a clean chrome install but no success, then I tried using Dark mode from the Windows Default Theme, everything’s fine with it, but all application (like Adobe reader, notepad, some application’s toolbar) … Read more