Git in Visual Studio 2013 stops working abruptly

Yesterday, I went home with Git working perfectly well inside Visual Studio 2013. I could ‘Compare with unmodified’ for a source file, I would see the version control status of my source files, and all the goodies of Git inside Visual Studio. I shut down my computer when I left work yesterday. However, when I … Read more

How can I open the current HTML file in a web browser from MacVim?

From MacVim is there a command to open the currently edited HTML file in a web browser? Answer To do it just once, you can :!open % which will call the shell command open with the path to the current file as argument. I don’t use Mac myself, but open seems appropriate to me. If … Read more

Is there a way to “redirect” a click on a URL in a VirtualBox guest to open in the host OS browser?

I’m using VirtualBox OSE on Ubuntu 10.04. I have a Windows 7 guest VM which I use almost exclusively for MS Outlook to access my Exchange mailbox. If I click a URL in Outlook it obviously opens in IE in the guest VM, is there any way to have it perform a redirect of some … Read more

How to remove shell integration of Notepad++?

I want to remove Notepad++’s annoying shell integration when right-clicking a file in Windows. How do I do that? Answer If you are weary of editing the registry you can try ShellExView which is a free application that allows editing of Shell Extensions. Shell Extensions are in-process COM objects which extends the abilities of Windows … Read more