Microsoft Exchange 2007, give limited access to user to manage contacts?

We have a global contact list (external people [clients]) in our Exchange 2007 and we in the IT are thinking to give a limited access to selected user(s) [marketing & reception] to go and manage only the contact list (names, phones, address, AD groups, etc) and nothing more. What is the best approach to make … Read more

Showing the OU a contact belongs to in GAL?

We have recently imported about 1000 “external” contacts into our Exchange 2007 Server. The external contacts were imported from a number of CSV files that had the contacts organised into categories. For example, CSV1 might have contained the “Hospitals” list, and CSV2 might have been the “Government Agencies” list. During the import of each CSV … Read more

How to get contacts of user on exchange 2013 when have full permission on user’s mailboxes

I want to export user’s contacts into .csv file without knowing his password. Now, I can give an account admin full permission to user mailboxes by this cmdlet: Add-MailboxPermission -Identity -User admin -AccessRights FullAccess My question is, with this admin account how can I access and export contacts of Or if you have … Read more

Delete all contacts with a certain company from list of mailboxes

We have a list of cell phone contacts which we load from a .pst file to new users when they start using this command: New-MailboxImportRequest -Mailbox (userid) -FilePath \EX1\c$\ExFiles\CellPhoneContacts.pst -TargetRootFolder “Contacts” Once finished we log into the users account using OWA, go into “People”, expand out “Other Contacts”, right click the “Cell Phone List” and … Read more

Exchange Mailbox Losing Contacts

I am currently running into an issue where a user’s contacts within Exchange are losing details every couple of months. We keep having to restore the user’s contacts from Backup to fix the issue. The user is using an iPhone and I have seen in the past from different web searches that some iPhone users … Read more

Cannot send email to removed Exchange 2010 contact

I had setup an external contact in exchange (Mail Contact) for a contractor (let’s say Joe User, forwarding to I was having the problem whereby any mail sent to Joe User from within exchange was always arriving at Joe’s end with a winmail.dat attachment. Figuring this may be related to the fact that I … Read more

Creating constraints for creating contacts (Exchange Server 2010)

One of my clients is running an Exchange Server 2010 in their company. On this server, a public address book folder is stored, which can be accessed and edited by various people. Now, since there is a problem with the integrity of the contact records, they asked for a solution to enforce some rules when … Read more

Server-side Outlook Out of Office Message only To a contacts group or not to a different group

I would like Outlook Exchange out of office (OOF) automatic replies: Not sent to semi-spam external e-mails. (I can put these in a local group if that will help; I cannot put them in a system-wide distribution list.) I have these emails as contacts because I want to process them differently in the client. To … Read more

blackberry sync shared contacts

We have a Blackberry Enterprise Server, about 50 Blackberries, and Exchange 2003 with a Global Address List (GAL) set up with all the company’s shared contacts (several hundred of them, or maybe a thousand). Right now each person’s Blackberry is only syncing with their personal contacts list in Outlook. Is there a way to sync … Read more