Strange Errors in Security and Compliance

I’m getting an odd error in many of my security and compliance pages, error is as follows or a varient of the same: The requested search root ‘ Settings/Rules/SafeLinksVersioned’ is not within the scope of this operation. Cannot perform searches outside the scope ‘ Exchange/ExchangeLabs’. any advice? 🙂 Answer Based on your error messages, you … Read more

Ansible playbook “path specified in src not found”

I am runnning into this message when I do this : ansible-playbook -i inventory junos_config_new.yml –check -vvv ansible-playbook 2.9.9 config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = [‘/root/.ansible/plugins/modules’, ‘/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules’] ansible python module location = /root/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook python version = 3.6.8 (default, Nov 21 2019, 19:31:34) [GCC 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4)] … Read more

Enable legalnoticetext and legalnoticecaption, but suppress or skip for only one account

I have a workstation (Win 10 LTSC) that I am required to display a login notice, and I’m required to use the legalnoticetext/legalnoticecaption feature to do so. (You may also know legalnoticetext/legalnoticecaption as the GPO entry “Interactive logon: Message title for users attempting to log on”.) However, most of the time that workstation performs an … Read more

Automate email traffic reporting Office365 Security and Compliance

I am a Security Engineer at my organization and I’m looking for ways to automate the reporting process for suspicious emails. We are using Terranova Security Awareness for Phish email reporting, and I receive these reported emails in my mailbox. These email reports contain the header details of the reported email, and the reported email … Read more

Ex 2016 Cu22 upgrade is now causing ELCLastSuccessTimestamp and get-serverhealth compliance errors

When running get-serverhealth checks on our on prem 2016 Exchange servers, after upgrading to cu22, I am now seeing compliance failures. Upon further investigation using the powershell command Get-HealthReport -Server $server | where {$_.AlertValue -ne “healthy”} | fl SerializationData : {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, … Read more

How long should accounts be deactivated before being deleted?

How long should accounts be deactivated before being deleted? Should accounts be deactivated? For example, our organization uses 1Password Business, which allows for accounts to be deactivated. How long should we keep deactivated accounts around? Accounts left deactivated for too long tend to clutter things. If your organization is under compliance measures like PCI, SOC … Read more

Alternative of AWS SSM for configuration compliance in GCP

we want to implement compliance monitoring in our cloud environment. For AWS, we are using AWS SSM to do it. But there is no alternative product in GCP, the only thing that will have the same functionality is cloud security command center and its still in alpha phase. Is there any alternative for AWS SSM … Read more

Server 2012R2 Foundation with 2019 Standard

We have done a FSMO migration from a Server 2012R2 Foundation to Server 2019 Standard. After uninstalling the ADDS from the foundation server we started having a licensing issue with this popup: “The server did not finish checking the license compliance. If the server is joined to a domain, make sure that the server can … Read more