How to let full-screen be on specific monitor?

I have two displays, they’re arranged as: +———-+ | | +——–+ B | | A | | +——–+———-+ With an application, say Adobe Reader, I can move the window to display A, or display B, or half by half. I can maximize it, too, on whatever display I like. However, when I switch it to … Read more

3 or 4 monitors with Nvidia and Ubuntu

I saw that someone was running 3 monitors with Ubuntu 8.10 and two Nvidia cards ( I was curious if you can do this with Xinerama, a hacked up TwinView config, or multiple X screens, or some other method? Does it work with compiz? I intend to run my Dell 30″ in the middle with … Read more

How to copy image to clipboard, to paste to another application?

I want to set the clipboard to file abc.jpg, in image format, so I can paste it to gpaint, etc. X11 applications, can I? I have enabled Screen snapshot feature in Compiz windows manager, and I need to give a command line to copy the snapshot image file to the clipboard. Answer scrot + xclip … Read more