SharePoint link to Cognos TM1 Server causes 403

We have a strange issue where a direct link from SharePoint to a Cognos TM1 URL causes a 403, however if we refresh or paste-in the link directly it works. The cause might be related to the leading “http” being stripped-off (see below with the other browsers), however that’s not clear in the raw HTML … Read more

What URL should I use to test IBM cognos Mobile, and what are the expected results?

I need to test IBM Cognos Mobile functionality and need to have an accurate baseline/reference point. What URL should I use to test Cognos? Is it <– trailing M? I’m getting different results in different browsers so I’m not sure what is expected, or if there is some undesired redirection occurring. Answer To … Read more

IBM WebSphere Application Server SSO sets REMOTE_USER incorrectly on Cognos BI 10.2.1

I am running IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server 10.2.1 (no other extra software products) on WebSphere Application Server 7, both softwares on an AIX server. I am trying to configure LTPA SSO through basic HTTP authentication from WebSphere to Cognos. For authentication, I am using my company’s LDAP server on both Cognos and WebSphere. After … Read more

IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2 on WebSphere Application Server fails to start, possibly due to a missing classpath entry

I have a server running IBM AIX TL07 and I am trying to install Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2 on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, using a server cluster to deploy and manage my application and using an IBM DB2 10.5 server to save my content store. When I start one of my cluster’s … Read more

IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.1 for AIX yields a lot of 500 Internal Server Errors

I am using IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.1 on WebSphere Application Server for AIX TL03. Every time my system undergoes a heavy usage period, which currently happens pretty often due to corporate end-of-quarter reporting, after about 15 minutes my dispatcher app locks up and displays a 500 Internal Server Error and I have … Read more

Customizing Cognos 11.1.6 Connection Portal

Previously in Cognos 10 you could customize the connection portal by adding a company logo and/or fonts and colors. These settings could be changed by editing the banner.css file on the gateway web server and editing the system.xml file on the app tier. I installed Cognos 11.1.6 but it looks like the steps previously used … Read more

Best method for pulling data out of SharePoint to use with a Business Intelligence application

I’m looking for advice from anyone out there who has experience integrating SharePoint with a business intelligence application like Cognos. Our BI team wants to be able to report on data stored in SharePoint. Their tool of choice is Cognos. What’s the best way to get the data they’re looking for OUT of SharePoint and … Read more

How can I monitor “primary and secondary” Cognos nodes?

We have several Content Managers in Cognos that are running: one as a primary, one as a secondary. I would like to be alerted if there isn’t one node acting as primary, if the primary node changed, or if the uptime changed. This information is available via this webpage: Is there a more useful … Read more

Please recommend monitoring tool for Cognos 8.2 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question We are running Cognos 8.2 on a Windows 2003 server. I am currently monitoring that its processes and web page are up. After … Read more