Can nagios check_mk be used to send the contents of a text file to a group of users and if so, how?

I have a server that copies files between two ftp sites, a middleman server because the sites have been locked down to only accent connection to this server. Ocassionally the process stops sending files but then executable itself does not crash, it just does not process anymore. The text file is a log file which … Read more

check_mk logwatch monitoring log with date in filename on windows

In windows, is there a way to setup dynamic dates on logs filenames monitoring using check_mk_agent’s [logfiles] section?? In linux I know we can use $(date +%Y%m%d), but don’t know if it works on windows. I’ve got a logfile by day, all of them in the same folder, with names like: Log_20190219.txt, Log_20190218.txt, Log_20190217.txt, Log_20190216.txt… … Read more

snmpbulkwalk hangs at certain OIDs

While setting up some hosts in Check_MK for SNMP-only monitoring I’ve found some hosts where snmpbulkwalk appears to ‘hang’ and then timeout while processing a certain OID. eg: OMD[prod]:~$ snmpbulkwalk -v 2c -c public . UCD-SNMP-MIB::memIndex.0 = INTEGER: 0 UCD-SNMP-MIB::memErrorName.0 = STRING: swap UCD-SNMP-MIB::memTotalSwap.0 = INTEGER: 88109052 kB UCD-SNMP-MIB::memAvailSwap.0 = INTEGER: 88109052 kB UCD-SNMP-MIB::memTotalReal.0 … Read more

Automatically monitor new cloud servers using Open Monitoring Distro (OMD)?

I’ve been spending some time getting my head around using Nagios, Check_mk and some other very useful tools installed as part of the OMD package. WATO is especially useful for administrating all of our static Windows and Linux based servers through a GUI once the check_mk agent is installed manually. I wanted to ask what … Read more

nagios contact groups to check_mk

I have Nagios installed with traditional configuration files. I have created some contact groups and assigned them to hosts. For web UI I’m using check_mk. And here’s the question: Check_mk supports showing hosts/services based on contact group membership. But I can’t use the Nagios contact groups in check_mk. (Result should be that if person XYZ … Read more

What is a check_mk sticky comment when acknowledging a host/service?

I wanted to attach a comment to a system that is being monitored with Nagios. I prefer using check_mk as GUI. Now I stumbled across this: I can set a comment as sticky and/or persistent. So I asked our Nagios-admin what the difference between sticky and persistent would be. It turned out, that he did … Read more

Does anyone use check_mk for Nagios? Anything I should be aware of before considering it? I’ve been testing it out on a couple of development machines and it seems pretty nifty. I cannot however find much information on deployments of it. Does anyone run this actively? Did anyone rule this out as an option for some reason? Answer Disclaimer: I used to work on that project because I felt … Read more