TFS on Virtual Server

Is a small Virtual Server with 2 cores (1.6GHz) and 1GB RAM capable of running a Team Foundation Server for Version Control and Building with ~5 Users? Nothing else will run on the system (except of the OS itself). I ask this, because on the Microsoft Website there are some higher spec requirements listed. But … Read more

Setting up Hudson on ec2 and configuring with web gui

I would like to setup hudson on a ec2 micro linux instance. My question is exactly how to configure hudson after i install it remotely via ssh on the ec2 instance. I would like to configure using the hudson web gui. When I have done this locally, this was available at http://localhost:8080/hudson. what about through … Read more

CruiseControl.Net – not able to see Project Statistics

I’ve made a reinstallation of the buildserver and can no longer see the standard graphs of project statistics. The error message shown is “Missing/Invalid statistics reports. Please check if you have enabled the Statistics Publisher, and statistics have been collected atleast once after that.” To the best of my knowledge, the ccnet.config file has not … Read more

Getting file not found error with pdebuild

I am attempting to build a Debian package using pdebuild on my main development server (running Debian wheezy). Here is the command I run: pdebuild –pbuilder cowbuilder –buildresult .. \ –debbuildopts -i — \ –basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/base-wheezy.cow \ –distribution wheezy –configfile /etc/pbuilder/wheezy This works on other servers, but on one server I get this output: I: … Read more

Setting Up Replication/master slave configuration to mariaDB

I’m starting my project using mariaDB I want to setup master slave configurations on windows 7 64Bit. I don’t know how to setup this kind of configuration. I’ve searched on google, visited websites and blogs, i find a term buildbot, is it related to master slave setup in mariaDB. ? If my question has another … Read more

AWS EC2 Looses public Internet after install Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to setup a build server on an AWS EC2. It is a base Windows 2012 R2, MsSQL 2014 and TeamCity 9.x. At this point the public internet works just fine. I can do windows updates and TeamCity can pull the project from Github. The project that needs to be built is a … Read more

How to trigger automated build in TFS 2017 only when an artifact is changed?

I have installed TFS 2017. I want to setup the TFS in such a way that whenever any developer checks in code, an automated build is triggered for that solution only. My application contains many solutions. Answer When you edit your build configuration, go to the Triggers tab and enable Continuous Integration. There you can … Read more

Unable to pull AWS image for Python 2.7.12

My CloudFormation template contains the following resource definition: MyBuildResource: Type: AWS::CodeBuild::Project Properties: Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-my-build-resource ServiceRole: !Ref MyServiceRole Artifacts: Type: CODEPIPELINE Source: Type: CODEPIPELINE BuildSpec: subtemplate.yaml Environment: ComputeType: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL Image: aws/codebuild/python:2.7.12 Type: LINUX_CONTAINER EnvironmentVariables: – Name: FOO Value: 42 I get the error message “Unable to pull customer’s container image. ErrorCode: 404, Reason: pull access … Read more