Computer suddenly dies; screen displays weird flickering lines, then restarts

I’ve been having this terrible problem for a little while and just managed to get a picture of ‘dead screen’ for the first time and I am posting it to seek help. Randomly, at irregular intervals (typically once a week), while working on something (it’s been different things every time) my computer will just suddenly … Read more

Windows suddenly won’t boot, “CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED”

Today I had some trouble printing, so I rebooted my PC. However, I was very surprised to find that Windows 10 wouldn’t start. After clicking “Restart” it would take me to a blue screen, “CRITICAL SERVICE FAILED”. I’ve tried the automatic repair option, but it failed. Looking at the log file at C:\Windows\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt, it says … Read more

How to remove Crash Dump Files under Windows 7

My Windows 7 hard drive suddenly filled up today. After doing some research, I downloaded and ran WinDirStat. This identified that 29% of my hard drive was occupied by Crash Dump Files (*.mdmp). I have had frequent blue screens on the system since I updated to Windows 7. In any case, how can I remove … Read more

PC Blue Screens and then instantly reboots. How do I stop this or find the error later?

I’ve started getting random blue screens from my (admittedly aged PC). Unfortunately it reboots straight away so I don’t get chance to read the error. It’s been happening when browsing Stack Overflow in Google Chrome and Firefox so I’m assuming that it’s something fairly fundamental. Most of the time it puts up the “Report the … Read more

How to cause a BSOD on Windows XP and newer versions?

Is there a way to programmatically cause a BSOD on Windows XP and newer versions? How? BTW just to clarify, this is not for malicious purposes. The client requested to be able to shut down/reboot a terminal on their LAN this way. When I asked why, they said because it’s faster than a normal reboot… … Read more

Can prematurely powering down a computer cause bad sectors in a hard drive?

Q1: Can forcibly powering off a PC without using the built-in shutdown/reboot functions, cause a HDD to accumulate bad sectors? Whether it be the result of BSODs, lockups, crashes, etc. Q2: If so, are these bad sectors repairable? I know an OS typically relocate bad sectors to other areas of the drive, but once a … Read more

Why does Windows still have the BSOD on Ctrl+Scroll+Scroll “feature”?

Background information While Windows XP came out I heard about a testing feature that existed to manually cause a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). I also heard this was supposed to be removed in XP Service Pack 2. It didn’t get removed. It’s also in Vista, Windows 7, and all later Windows versions. To enable … Read more