How can I guess if a USB cable will power my devices?

I’ve had problems with one long (4 meter) USB Mini-B to USB Type-A cable not being able to boot a 2.5” external hard disc due to not supplying enough current. On top of that, the cable used a Type-A to Mini-B adapter for the Mini-B part, which probably made things worse. Three different shorter cables … Read more

USB Type C Power Delivery Profile – max length?

The new USB-C connector allows for 100W to be delivered to charge laptops etc. Is there a maximum length for a charging only cable? The specification talks about cables being less than two meters long: That seems really short. I know that data transmission over longer cables can be problematic – but is charging also … Read more

Will a mobile phone charge faster if plugged into a USB 3.0 port

Will a phone(or any device for that matter) charge faster if it is plugged into a USB 3.0 port compared to a USB 2.0 port? I know to assist charging you can turn features off(with flight mode) or even turn the phone off but if you need the USB 3.0 port for a device like … Read more

Is there a USB wall charger that “just works” with every device?

Want to improve this post? Provide detailed answers to this question, including citations and an explanation of why your answer is correct. Answers without enough detail may be edited or deleted. Background Almost every gadget today is charged over USB. It seems like a good idea since everyone has a computer with USB, but fumbling … Read more

Do DC adapters consume energy when no device is drawing DC current?

Do DC adapters consume energy when no device is drawing DC current? Or… Can I leave my mobile (5-20 W) or laptop (40-60 W) chargers plugged in and switched on and hope they won’t draw current if my mobile or laptop isn’t plugged in to the charger? The confusion arises because if we were only considering … Read more

How do I keep a MacBook battery charged to only 70%?

A chemist told me that a battery should be charged to and used between 30-70%, and its very bad for battery life to completely load or unload it. He uses a utility program that always keeps the charge of his Lenovo laptop between 30% and 70%. How can I achieve the same effect using Mac … Read more

Can I use a charger with more output amperage than the device needs?

I’ve just bought a portable battery, but the portable battery don’t comes with an adapter for the house current; it only comes with a USB cable so I can charge it with my laptop. My mobile phone came with a charger, and I want to know if is safe to use that charger with the … Read more

Unplug laptop while it is running

Am I “hurting” my HP laptop by leaving it running, unplugging from outlet – walking a few feet and plugging it back in? My brother-in-law says I am. Answer Nope, it should be fine. Laptops are designed to switch between battery and mains power. Stuff to watch out for? Tripping hazards. While barrel connectors are … Read more

Should laptops remain plugged in when their battery is 100% charged?

When your laptop’s battery is 100% charged, should you leave it plugged in so any battery power doesn’t get used, or will that cause overcharging, overheating, etc.? Should the laptop be unplugged when the battery level is 100%? I’m asking because my laptop’s screen tends to get dim when unplugged, so I don’t like to … Read more