Azure policy definitions as code: avoiding duplicate parameter definitions

I’m looking to create a number of Azure policies using infrastructure as code. The MS Documentation advises a structure as below: . | |- policies/ ________________________ # Root folder for policy resources | |- policy1/ ______________________ # Subfolder for a policy | |- policy.json _________________ # Policy definition | |- policy.parameters.json ______ # Policy definition … Read more

In Azure, how to prevent a user create a Network Interface Card but not modify it?

I want to give a specific RBAC to a user so that he can create a NIC but not to modify. As a matter of fact, what it is aimed is that he shouldn’t have permission to change the dynamic ip to static ip and change the ip address of the NIC. I have checked … Read more

When remediation for policy is activated in Azure?

We create a virtual machine that needs 2 extensions, for that we define and assign 2 customs policies, also we create and activate remediation task to make sure that all virtual machines (new ad old vms) have these 2 extensions. Everything is done with Azure CLI. The problem is that some times, remediation is activated … Read more