Directory of last saved image. Using AHK, how to acquire that last saved directory?

I am currently working on an AHK project that downloads images from the internet. If you were to look in the HTML code, say, you could easily find the link to the image. Okay, so you got the link now. Now to save that image. I’ve done that part so far. How to get the … Read more

Simulating Win+1 with multiple windows on autohotkey

I’m trying to bind the F keys, to coorespond to Win+1-5, to switch between windows. I’m running into an issue, where if I have more then one window for an app, instead of switching to that app, like the original key would do, it would stay “focused” on the bar (It shows me a preview … Read more

Auto Hotkey- script which checks if bandicam recording is “running”

I would like to have your thoughts or help about how make this script to look Bandicam up running and recording at that moment. I have successfully made one script which is working at short of level. I found it from Auto Hotkey’s help forum topic named to “If” program is not running “then” start … Read more

autohotkey – problems when using if, else if statements inside Functions

I have problems when using if, else if statements inside Functions they don’t recognize my vars, despite I have set them to global at the beginning of the script… global AR4toolCur := global AR4psetCollCurY := global AR4psetCollCurYselect := global AR4psetCollCurYfill := global AR4psetCollCurYeraser := global AR4psetCollCurYknife := ~l:: AR4toolCur := “Selection” ; means the current … Read more