Artifactory disk space usage much higher than reported repository size

Our artifactory installation has 500GB data disk allocated to it. Yesterday it ran out of space and went about cleaning up old artifacts (something I thought was being done automatically but it wasn’t). After deleting over 200GB worth of old artifacts, I could see trash can size reported as 228 GB. I then emptied the … Read more

Apache HTTPD Kerberos, silently redirect if no auth offered

I’ve configured Apache HTTPD as a reverse proxy (for SSL) for my Artifactory instance, and I’m now trying to get HTTP SSO working on it. Using the below configuration, I am successfully automatically signed in from my machine. However, when I run Chrome in Incognito mode (to disable Kerberos forwarding), the behaviour becomes undesirable. What … Read more

Jenkins pipeline using docker agent can’t push on artifactory due to jvm cacert

I need to push some jar files obtained during a Jenkins pipeline, to Jfrog; below the code: stage (‘Artifactory configuration’) { when { expression { params.runDelivery } } steps { rtServer ( id: “artifactory”, url: “https://jfroglocal/artifactory”, credentialsId: “jfrog” ) rtMavenDeployer ( id: “MAVEN_DEPLOYER”, serverId: “artifactory”, releaseRepo: “example-repo-local”, snapshotRepo: “example-repo-local” ) } } here the error: … Read more

docker-compose for JFrog artifactory OSS version?

I want to try out JFrog artifactory OSS using docker compose. I have found:$latest/jfrog-artifactory-pro-$latest-compose.tar.gz;bt_package=jfrog-artifactory-pro But it seems its only for the PRO/Paid version. I have found an old/deprecated OSS docker-compose file here: Does JFrog no longer support OSS when it comes to docker-compose installations? Answer For anyone stumbling across this today (14.06.2021), … Read more

How to set up Artifactory behind a reverse proxy with a sub-context

I’m trying to set up Artifactory (CPP-CE) behind NGINX reverse proxy, with a custom context. I.e. all Artifactory URLs should be behind some top-level context (e.g. /conan). So the UI URL is supposed to be at, and repository endpoints behind I can’t seem to find a way of telling Artifactory that. The documentation … Read more