My webcam just came on “out of the blue”

I have a Microsoft LifeCam HD sitting atop my monitor. Today, completely out of the blue, its light came on — I was simply browsing the web (in Chrome) when it happened. After about 5 minutes the webcam turned off. Naturally, I immediately suspected my ex-wife (when in doubt, I always suspect her), but she … Read more

Is there a point in installing antivirus on Ubuntu?

I have recently started using Ubuntu. I am wondering about the point of installing antivirus programs on Ubuntu. On SuperUser, I found the opinion that it only detects “windows viruses” and removes them. Is there a point in installing antivirus if I don’t have any other OS? As far as I know, there are no … Read more

Bye Windows Defender, I need to turn you back off again

I am running Windows 10 on a fairly recent laptop. I’m using Avast (free version) as antivirus and before the update, Windows Defender was turned off as it should be in case a third party antivirus is installed. Yesterday I received a notification of an available update for the OS. I ran the update on … Read more

How do anti-virus programs start at Windows boot?

When performing some testing, I noticed that after installing Avast and checking in both my “Run” registry key and my “Startup” folder that a startup entry wasn’t present in either location. Taking this into account, in which location do the majority of anti-virus programs locate themselves so that they will automatically start at OS boot … Read more

How can I make a Windows PC bullet-proof for home users? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

Why the heck does NTFS allow invisible executables?

You can hide any file inside of another file just by typing: type sol.exe > container.txt:sol.exe and to run the file hidden file just use: start c:\hide\container.txt:sol.exe But the crazy part about this is it doesn’t increase the size of the file (so it’s totally hidden). And if you delete the file with the hidden … Read more

Why does anti-virus software not delete the viruses, malware, etc., but instead quarantine them?

Why does anti-virus software not completely delete the viruses, malware, etc., but instead quarantine them? Is it not better to completely get rid of them? Why? And how can I manually remove them? Answer Viruses and malwares are not dangerous if not executed. A file in quarantine cannot be executed by the user and the … Read more

How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC?

What should I do if my Windows computer seems to be infected with a virus or malware? What are the symptoms of an infection? What should I do after noticing an infection? What can I do to get rid of it? how to prevent from infection by malware? This question comes up frequently, and the … Read more