Alternative to Paperwork

I am looking for an alternative to the program Paperwork as it is rather complicated to install under Ubuntu. I am specifically interested in finding a way to read dates, prices and other details from scanned invoices and store everything in a kind of database or at least Excel sheet. Thanks for your help! Answer … Read more

GUI alternative to WebHTTrack with similar functionality

I’m looking for other GUI alternative to webhttrack software with similar functionalities. Webhttrack is itself an alternative of the command line program httrack, but I’m not very happy using it. Is there any? httrack is from it’s man page description: Copy websites to your computer (Offline browser) Answer I’ve found one Firefox add-on. It’s called … Read more

Will using a less resource intensive DE on top of Ubuntu be as fast as a distro which uses that DE as default?

I’m asking because I find Unity to be slow on aged hardware which according to the system requirements should work fine (2.53 GHz Celeron, 2 GB RAM). So I want the support of the Ubuntu main release (LTS in my case) but have a more responsive UI using another DE, say Cinnamon or XFCE. Answer … Read more

Are there any credible alternatives to XBMC as a media server that can also be used to stream video to a tablet or other Android device?

I’ve connected a PC running Ubuntu 12.04 with XBMC installed. I am looking to get it replaced with a Raspberry Pi for the power-usage benefits and smaller footprint. I would like to have a single media center that I can use to not only manage my media (XBMC does a great job of that), but … Read more

Is Baidu browser available for Ubuntu?

In the Ubuntu Desktop feature, there is a picture if you hover on it, it displays “Baidu”. I searched but never found any baidu browser for Ubuntu. I use chrome but i really want to try a new browser. Is there really any Baidu browser available for Ubuntu? Answer Baidu Browser is currently not available … Read more

Can BS player be installed on Mate?

So, can BS player be installed on Mate 18.04 as alternative to VLC player? You know, in Windows those two worked differently, as sub-searchers, in particular. Thanks, Igor Answer Nope. It is a windows application. WineHQ has a garbage rating so the only option is through virtualization (VirtualBox or VM Player). as sub-searchers VLC nowadays … Read more

Alternative to Teamviewer

I need an advise about alternative app for Teamviewer. For me is important to have such features like: Ability to control PCs remotely Switching sides to control each other PCs Ability to talk in the meantime Very easy to setup Free and likely open-source I checked all previous topics which were up here, but solutions … Read more