Remapping Function Keys for media vs. Alt + Function Key for specific app

I have an HP Laptop and I finally got around to changing the BIOS setting to reverse the annoying Fn+Function Key “feature” since I regularly F2, F5 & F11 with VBA & Office (a lot more often than I need to change screen brightness, etc)… People can do whatever they want with their function keys … Read more

What are the effects if i run this script?

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #=::Return ; Disable Alt+F4 !F4::Return Answer The only thing this script … Read more

Windows 10 alt+end outputs a smiley

I use Resharper in VS2017 every day and noticed this morning when pressing alt+end that a smiley now appears. This is me pressing alt+end: ☺ I then noticed that alt+ some others also produce odd characters: alt+pgup: ○ alt+pgdn: ♥ This is driving me insane. Any ideas? I’ve checked the keyboard and language/regional settings but … Read more

X-Window can not distinguish between left and right buttons

I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux and Debian on my MS Windows 10. In the console, switching languages(English <-> C/J/K) works well using Right Alt key. But, in the X environment, I cannot switch languages. I checked key code using xev. Surprisingly, I found that the codes for the left and right Alt keys were … Read more