Maesh address not resolved in AKS

I’m currently working with migrating a deployment to maesh. In this process I annotated, as required. my service with the maesh label. But trying to curl the service afterwards fails. The old address(in my example) with http://world2.test.svc.cluster.local:30002 works fine. But as soon as I try to ping the maesh adress http://world2.test.maesh:30002 it won’t work. For … Read more

Consul containers are creating as privileged containers, how to change that?

With the azure policy addon enabled(as per organization policy), we can’t create privileged containers on the aks, azure kubernetes. Our application is set to security context as below. securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 999 So our app can create without privileged access. But, when linked with consul(through annotations), the consul init containers are failing … Read more

How to move kubernetes to a different subscription in azure?

I have two subscriptions under my account. When I check today, the balance is low in my subscription where I deployed the cluster. So, I click on change subscription option and selected the second subscription in my account. But, getting below error. {“code”:”ResourceMoveValidationFailed”,”message”:”The resource batch move request has ‘1’ validation errors. Diagnostic information: timestamp ‘20210708T074027Z’, … Read more

AKS version upgrade error: Operation failed with status: ‘Conflict’. Details: Upgrades are disallowed while cluster is in a failed state

I noticed that one of AKS services is in the failed state. When I went to diagnostics, I found out that current version is not supported anymore. So I tried to follow instructions stated here: I ran first the command: az aks get-upgrades –resource-group myResourceGroup –name myAKSCluster –output table and then: az aks upgrade … Read more

curl & wget cannot resolve internal dns names within the aks cluster but nslookup , host , dig work fine

I have a managed kubernetes instance on azure. I am very sure that the core dns is working and the dns pods are healthy. I have a couple of services frontend-service with one pod – Image [nginx-alpine] which has the static frontend files. backend-service , with one pod – Image [ubuntu:20.04] which has the nodejs … Read more

Does Azure Application Gateway support gRPC connections?

I’ve set up an Azure Application Gateway with Azure Kubernetes Service using the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) and confirmed that it’s working correctly using the sample guestbook app. I then used almost the exact configuration to deploy a Golang app that uses the gRPC-gateway to the same AKS cluster. The default liveness and … Read more

Why are pods failing to schedule due to resources when node has plenty available?

The pods in my application scale with 1 pod per user (each user gets their own pod). I have the limits for the application container set up like so: resources: limits: cpu: 250m memory: 768Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 512Mi The nodes in my nodepool have 8GB of memory each. I started up a bunch … Read more

“Context deadline exceeded” preventing pods from being created in AKS

We have been experiencing an issue causing us pain for the last few months. The issue appears to be that occasionally when we request a pod via the Kubernetes executor it fails to create. For example, a spark pod may fail with the following error: Events: Type Reason Age From Message —- —— —- —- … Read more