Kubecost frontend access issue on AKS

I have installed kubecost on Azure Kubernetes Service cluster using https://www.kubecost.com/install.html#show-instructions. When I enable port-forwarding, I can access the frontend using curl http://localhost:9090/. But its not accessible using http://<machine-ip>:9090 in the browser (machine-ip is the public ip of the vm where I’m running the commands and I have opened inbound port 9090). So how do … Read more

Access rights to K8s API differs between local and AKS

I’m getting a forbidden exception when trying to communicate with the k8s API running in Azure Kubernetes Services. The reason we need this access is that we read metadata from the pods and their labels. Running the same service locally in docker-desktop k8s context, it all runs fine. We also have large installations running in … Read more

KEDA HPA metrics value for Queue Triggered Azure Function

I have a KEDA enabled Queue Triggered Azure Function running in a Kubernetes cluster. When I describe the HPA created by KEDA, I am unable to understand the value metrics. In the following image, what does “7309m” represents? I came to the conclusion that “1” is the queueLength parameter I supplied in the ScaledObject.yaml file. … Read more

How to resolve unknown status pods in aks?

When I check the insights tab controllers option, saw some of the default pods are showing status as unknown, how to know why the status is showing like that? Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : uday , Answer Author : Community

How to access container custom logs,azure kubernetes?

Our container creates log files in /var/appname/app1/java log and other multiple log files. While development,we used to connect the container directly and access the log file using bind mounts. Can anyone suggest how to deal with in azure kubernetes aks? The logs section in monitoring shows only default logs. I can access the logs using … Read more

How to perform AKS upgrade for a private cluster from 1.18.14 to 1.19.11 which is having istio as a service mesh

We are planning to upgrade our Private production cluster to 1.19.11 version and before the upgrade, would like to clarify few items for safer side as this is for producton enviroment Current Setup Details. Its a private cluster and AZURE CNI enabled We are using Istio 1.7.3 as service mesh Planned Upgradation process As Istio … Read more

How to do a canary upgrade to existing istio customised setup?

How to do a canary upgrade to existing istio customised setup. Requirement: We have existing customised setup of istio 1.7.3 (installed using istoctl method and no revision set for this) for AKS 1.18.14. Now we need to upgrade to istio 1.8 with no downtime or minimal. The upgrade should be safer and it wont break … Read more

Forgot Username/Password page is not working in wso2 identity server 5.10.0 in Kubernetes setup

Have Configured OAuth2-OpenID Connect Single-Sign-On using WSO2 Identity Server-5.10.0 with my web application in Kubernetes setup. While logging into web application, when we click on forgot username/password link in SSO login page, Url is appending with portnumber 9443- https://wso2is:9443/accountrecoveryendpoint/recoveraccountrouter.do?client_id, after removing portnumber manually from the url, page is loading with url –https://wso2is/accountrecoveryendpoint/recoveraccountrouter.do?client_id in browser. Below … Read more

AKS multi-cluster peering not working for Kubernetes services

We have 2 AKS clusters (not private) deployed in West Europe and East US, without availability zones, Azure CNI networking, Azure network policy (not calico), and everything is provisioned with Terraform. We are trying to set up an infrastructure for MongoDB replica sets, something similar to this article: https://docs.couchbase.com/operator/2.0/tutorial-remote-dns.html We need pods in each cluster … Read more

How to configure consul to access webpage from Ingress gateway

I am trying to configure ingress gateway for consul deployed in AKS. As per their documentation , I have created a sample deployment and ingress gateway to it. yaml files: github kubectl apply -f static-app/ I changed the static app service from CluserIP to LoadBalancer and can get the page using http://<LB_IP> But, with ingress … Read more