Adobe FMS 4.5 only showing 1 active connection

I am running a live stream using Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5, running on a Amazon Web Services EC2 server. I know that there are at least 5 active connections, but when I log into the FMS server admin console, it only tells me that there is one. What options do I have configured wrong? … Read more

Push Adobe Flash Player 9 AND 10 to computers?

Too many times our office has been hit with spyware crawling in through old versions of plugins, so I’m configuring our System Center Essentials server to push updates of Java and Flash. Java is all set, but with Flash I have a quick question. I got approval for the Adobe Flash distribution, so I added … Read more

Force software rendering in Adobe Reader 10.1.3

In Adobe Reader 10.x there is an option under Edit>Preferences…>3D & Multimedia to set the renderer to use the software renderer instead of Directx. I’ve read that using the software setting will garner better performance. I’m looking for a way to set this via registry or gpo – domain wide. Does anyone know how to … Read more

How can I change the default location of the Adobe Premiere Pro (creative cloud) media cache location?

Adobe Premiere Pro on Windows machines stores its ‘media cache’ files in the %appdata% directory. On our network, this is redirected to a server share, and consumes significant amounts of storage space, while suffering increased latency for the user. Each user can manually change the setting in the UI, and store these files elsewhere. This … Read more

Version Control for print designers and editors

I’ve looked hard at other threads similar to this, but still can’t find anyone with a good recommendation for a cross-platform (OSX, Windows) team workflow in InDesign that is easy and doesn’t require users to work directly off a network share. Does anyone have any real world experience supporting a check-in / check-out system for … Read more

What is a good, cheap, solution for managing patches over say 100 seperate domains

We are an IT support provider and I am looking at improving our existing systems. We have WSUS in place for Windows Updates but we are looking for the cheapest and quickest way possible of updating programs like Adobe Flash, Reader, and Java. Any ideas would be welcome. Answer If you have 100 separate customers, … Read more