Is it possible to sync Adium and Pidgin accounts settings?

I use Pidgin at my netbook (Windows) and work (again Windows) and sync their accounts settings using Dropbox (by syncing their .purple folder as described here). I want to have Adium on my Mac do the same. I created a symbolic link from “/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Users/Default/libpurple” to my “.purple” folder in DropBox, but alas, it … Read more

Adium Transcripts are stored with messages colored white

My chat transcripts are stored correctly, but when I open them up the other person’s chat messages are all wrapped with a span turning their message white. <message sender=”” time=”2016-10-13T16:57:53-0700″ alias=””><div><span style=”color: ##000000; font-family: Lucida Grande; font-size: 12pt;”>FOO</span></div></message> This makes it so that when I try to view transcripts in the Adium transcript window I … Read more

How to recover Adium ICQ contacts when the account is locked

I recently got locked out of my 10+ year old ICQ account for no good reason — the password just stopped working one day. Password recovery doesn’t work and I never gave them an email address anyway (at least that’s what I think, it’s been a while). When I start Adium, it asks for a … Read more

Adium Showing Jabber Markup

My Adium (which I just deleted, redownloaded and reinstalled) has gone mad. My chats are seen as normal on my side, but to the other person, the markup is all seen. So this is what the other person sees: <im:html xmlns:im=’’><xht:body xmlns:xht=’’><xht:p><xht:span style=’font-family: Lucida Grande; font-size: large;’>new adium. same result?</xht:span></xht:p></xht:body></im:html> What should I do? I … Read more

How do I disable notifications in Adium?

I feel a bit dumb asking this, but I’ve scoured the preferences and can’t find any option about how to disable the built-in notifications (ie, not growl) which are shown when a contact comes online. I’m using Mac OSX 10.6, latest version of Adium. Answer I think you are looking for Preferences –> Notifications (I … Read more

Adium stopped working with pastes from other users

I see stuff like this now anytime someone changes their font or pastes a link. <im:html xmlns:im=’’><xht:body xmlns:xht=’’><xht:p>for example, <xht:a href=’′></xht:a></xht:p></xht:body></im:html> Not sure why it’s not being parsed. Any ideas on how to fix this? UPDATE: Fixed in Adium 1.4.3rc1. See bug ticket. Answer This appears to an issue with OS X Lion iChat clients … Read more

Initiate a chat in Adium with Spotlight

On Linux I can use gnome-do to quickly initiate a chat in Pidgin with my friends by just typing their IM’s usernames in gnome-do’s search box then press Enter. Can Spotlight do the same ? I’m open to alternative desktop search/launcher programs as well Answer Here’s an article from the Adium folks about Address Book/Adium … Read more