Recommended settings to convert Opus to AAC

I am downloading some music from Youtube, and it seems that in most cases (popular videos), the best quality audio is an opus file. I know that (1) Opus is the newest and more efficient codec, and (2) converting from one lossy codec to another is not recommended. However, as I want to use the … Read more

How do I cancel out identical part of two audio files in Wavepad? (probably using phase difference?)

Let’s say I have two similar audio files in different format (such as MP3 and AAC) from the same master (CD audio or WAV file) and I want to find some differences of quality between the two files. (to examine their quality change and compression techniques) I did some research on it and figured out … Read more

Why is the libvo-aacenc / libvo_aacenc not found?

When using this library and running in the folder: “./configure –enable-static –enable-version3 –enable-libvo-aacenc” the error “ERROR libvo_aacenc not found” shows up. If I run “./configure –enable-static –enable-libvo-aacenc” the message libvo-aacenc is version3 and version3 is not specified. “./configure –list-encoders” shows aac as well as libvo-aacenc. Why can’t I activate the libvo-aacenc? Answer AttributionSource : … Read more

Best sample rate AAC 5.1 384Kbits?

I have a movie with AC3 5.1 audio with 48khz of sample rate and change to AAC using libfdk_aac codec. I don’t know if use the same sample rate or set to 44.1khz. In the libfdk_aac documentation the recomendation for 5.1 is use 44.1khz. It’s a bad idea set the same rate or is better … Read more