AMD RX480 AMDGPU driver issues

I recently installed an RX480 AMD card using just the open-source AMDGPU drivers, and for the most part it works fine. Unfortunately something goes wrong when the monitors enter stand-by mode, or more to the point: leave stand-by mode. The screen remains black and only the mouse is visible. Weirdly enough, the mouse does change … Read more

Some applications’ tray icon images disappearing after screensaver and stand-by

On my two laptops running Ubuntu 16.10, each time they go to sleep, or after the screensaver (i.e. Ubuntu’s default screen turn off), some tray icons are missing their images. I mean, the placeholder is there, but the image is missing. I’m attaching an image: For reference, here’s how it should look like: This far … Read more

Only wake up when pressing power button, not any other button

I only want to wake up my laptop when pressing the power button, not any other button (e.g. when I clean the keyboard, the laptop wakes up making cleaning impossible). How can I change this? I noticed the question How can I wake my laptop from suspend only on power button? but the answer got … Read more

After upgrading to 16.10 no wifi connections

I upgraded to Ubuntu 16.10 but since then only Ethernet is working and I can’t connect to any WiFi network. How I can troubleshoot and solve this issue ? Some info from my laptop: me@my-LAP:~$ iwconfig wlp3s0b1 IEEE 802.11 ESSID:off/any Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=19 dBm Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Power Management:off … Read more

Apply Changes in Additional Drivers stuck for nVidia Drivers (16.10, ASUS GTX1060 3G)

I’ve done a clean install of 16.10. The default, nouveau, video driver has abysmal resolution on my GTX1060. I brought up the Additional Drivers app and selected the “Using NVIDIA binary driver – version 367.57 from nvidia-367 (proprietary, tested) and pressed the button to apply changes. The process got to, perhaps, 80% complete and appears … Read more

Logout doesn’t work

When I click the logout button all the programs close, panels disappear etc. as expected but it doesn’t go to the login screen, it’s just stuck looking at wallpaper and mouse cursor. I’ve found a “workaround” to this problem by changing to a different tty and running sudo systemctl restart lightdm. journalctl -p err shows: … Read more

DNS lookups periodically start to fail until dnsmasq is restarted after upgrading to 16.10

After upgrading from Xubuntu 16.04 to 16.10, DNS lookups start failing after an amount of time, restarting dnsmasq appears to temporarily resolve the issue, but I’m forever restarting it throughout the day. When the lookups stop working, Chrome gives me one of the following errors: “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED”, “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG”, “DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN”; This is for both sites on the … Read more