Cant delete .vdi file [duplicate]

Ok so i used virtualbox in windows and ran linux,i accidentally gave it 64gbs.
when i realized that it was dumb i uninstalled virtualbox and deleted the folder but i sill didnt get the 64 gbs back.
I’ve already tried searching for the .vdi file but i couldn’t find it.
Can anybody tell me what to i have to do to get my 64 gbs back?
I’ve already asked these questions in reddit but nobody answered.
Need help!


Virtual machines are by default stored in C:\Users\<username>\VirtualBox VMs. Each subdirectory corresponds to one VM.

You may have chosen any different path when creating the VM too.

Please note that uninstalling a program usually doesn’t remove its files. This is the case not only for VirtualBox. You could have, however, right-clicked the VM in VirtualBox and selected Remove.

Source : Link , Question Author : Jake Sparrow , Answer Author : gronostaj

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