Cannot Properly Manage Server 2012 r2 Hyper V Core

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I have just installed the Hyper V 2012 r2 Core system. I was able to name it, add it to the domain, even RDP into it (which is just worthless).

However, When I open up the Hyper-V Manger on my system, it connects, then takes a long time (upwards of 2 minutes, where ping is less than 1ms) to fully “connect”.

There are no virtual machines on the system, because I do not have the option to add them.

There are no actions in the pane but to remove the server. Also they do not show in the right click menu.

I have updated the administration tools, and updated the server.

I am on Win7x64 and am 1 port away from the system on a layer 3 switch.

I am testing this as a possible alternative to VMWare for some remote deployments. I was able to setup VMWare server (version 6 even) and three VMs in a few hours. After two days I am still stuck on this.

Google has not been much help, I can’t find much on this out in the ether.

Thoughts, ideas or suggestions?


It sounds like you have an old version of the Hyper-V manager. You need the Remote Admin Tools for Windows 8.1 to manage 2012 R2. Try managing it from a Windows 8.1 or Server 2012 R2 box.

PowerShell remoting is becoming my favorite way to manage Hyper-V, and that is how I manage my newer hyper-V boxes when I am on a Windows 7 machine. Since you are using the cmdlets on the remote box, you don’t even need the RSAT on the local machine. If you are doing a trial deployment, I recommend you try some powershell management too.

Source : Link , Question Author : Max Sinclair , Answer Author : John Hubert

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