Cannot perform sudo apt-get update [closed]

I am using Ubuntu 13.10
This is what appears in the terminal when I run

sudo apt-get update

I was initially trying to install nodejs and I couldn’t and I found an advice to run update first but this happened:

—more message above— [cannot post 2 links]

W: Failed to fetch  Could not resolve 'ph,old-releases,ubuntu,com'

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

I saw a similar error from another forum so I tried the proposed solution but it didn’t work. It says

"change the archive,ubuntu,com and security,ubuntu,com package repository URLs to old-releases,ubuntu,com and run update again

but I get the error again.
How do I fix this?


Ubuntu 13.04 isn’t an LTS version which means that it’s only supported for a short period of time which was especially short for Ubuntu 13.04. The support ran out a long time ago as you can see in this graphic:
enter image description here

If you want to use a system that long, please use an LTS version like 14.04. You’ll be provided with updates for 5 years and will be able to install new software from the repositories for at least that long.

Source : Link , Question Author : ubuntunewbie , Answer Author : UTF-8

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