Can the last modification date of standalone.xml file be changed alone?

In our production envirement (jboss wildfly 8.2), Windows server 2012 R2, I noticed that all of the date of creation, modification and access of the configuration file Standalone.xml was changed to the same date. I took a look at the event log to know who has accessed the this server at this time. I didn’t find any access.

My question is, who is responsible for this change? Can these dates be changed by the application or some non-human task, service …etc.


The standalone.xml file gets backed up and rewritten to the file system on startup. This is documented here, for AS7, I assume this feature has not changed since then.

You should have a directory called ‘standalone_xml_history’ in the same place, containing recent backups of the file.

Source : Link , Question Author : KacemSys , Answer Author : Stian Lund

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