can not find mysql after Homebrew install [closed]

I installed php54 with mysql, but I can not use

mysql -u root

in terminal to access mysql (error: does not recognize command), but


tells me it is installed

what can I do?


I thought it was installed, but I guess it was not. I was looking in cellar or /usr/local (forgot the folder where to look), typed brew list then decided to

brew install mysql 

and I have it running now. I do NOT understand the phpinfo or maybe they are just the drivers?

Apparently, I can not post here, so I will post somewhere else if anymore issues
( I am a professional and I have a server, does that not make a professional server?)



From what you have described, it sounds like mysql is not in your path.

If the following command returns an error, then you will need to add mysql to your environment

which mysql

(this command can be dangerous if you aren’t familiar with shell environments. Research it before running it. )


You will need to close and reopen terminal for the changes to take affect.

Source : Link , Question Author : Richard , Answer Author : spuder

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