Can I use Group Policy to configure SSO for SharePoint

I am trying to set up SSO in Group policy so when users go to our SharePoint they are automatically signed in instead of having to sign in every time they go to the website. I cannot find anything useful online as far as walkthroughs. Can anyone explain to me how to do this or send me a link to a useful article?


If you are running SharePoint Server 2013, 2016, or 2019 on-premises, you can start with the following Microsoft documentation:

It will get you started with using claims-based authentication, which can automatically log in Active Directory users using Kerberos, or you can use SAML for SSO.

Either way, you’ll find that this will be configured in your SharePoint farm and in Active Directory (service principle names, etc) and/or in your SAML SSO provider.

Source : Link , Question Author : Samuel Dague , Answer Author : SamErde

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