bashrc PS1 : user prompt won’t clear entire text [duplicate]

user prompt:

user - / :

up/down keys to locate historical commands.

user - / : historical command

clear the “historical command” :

user - / :hist

No matter how many times I hit BackSpace.. unable to delete “hist” part.

technically it is not even there. but on the screen it simply wont clear out until I hit “enter”

user - / :hist
user - / :

what causes it ?

The problem is probably due to the colors I used here. but how can It be corrected ?

PS1="\[\033[38;5;190m\]\u - \W : \e[m"


Your final ANSII escape sequence isn’t finished. The reset code (\e[0m), like the others, needs a [. Change your PS1 to:

PS1="\[\033[38;5;190m\]\u - \W : \[\e[0m"

Or, to keep things consistent:

PS1="\[\033[38;5;190m\]\u - \W : \[\033[0m"

Source : Link , Question Author : VIE , Answer Author : terdon

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