Backup one internal drive to another internal drive

I have a Dell Inspiron 3521 that came preinstalled with Windows 8.1. I decided to dual-boot Ubuntu and Windows and till the last week it was working perfectly. But, since yesterday I am unable to use Windows as it is really slow. However, Ubuntu works fine and smooth. I ran the Dell ePSA test and got a 2000-0142 error code, which is indicative of a hard-drive failure. So, if my HDD has really failed or is about to fail, how can I backup everything onto an external drive. Note that my Ubuntu and Windows are installed on the same drive and I am unable to use Windows.

EDIT: Contacted Dell, product is in warranty and they are giving me a new internal HDD. So the question is how can I backup my current drive to the new one, i.e, data from current hard drive to the new one that I’ll get.


Given the fact that your original disk was failing I would recommend against dumping the old disk to the new one. I would just copy the files that I need from the old one and that’s that.

If you still want to copy the old drive to the new one this is what I would do:

  1. Connect both disks at the same time to the same computer
  2. Boot with an Ubunutu CD/DVD
  3. Find out which drive is the old one and which one is the new one. Probably one will be /dev/sda and the other will be /dev/sdb. YOU MUST CHECK THIS properly or you will risk erasing all your data.
  4. Open a console and type this command (change /dev/sda and /dev/sdb to where your disks are; this example assumes that sda is the old disk and sdb is the new drive):

    dd if=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K of=/dev/hda

If you cannot connect both drives at the same time, you will need an external drive (or network drive) where you will store the disk image:

  1. Boot with an Ubunutu CD/DVD
  2. Connect the external drive/network drive
  3. Find out which drive is the old one and what folder is the external drive mounted to. Probably the drive will be /dev/sda and the other will be something like /media/user/XXXXXX. YOU MUST CHECK THIS properly or you will risk erasing all your data.
  4. To make the backup open a console and type these commands (change /dev/sda and /media/user/XXXXXX to where your disks are; this example assumes that sda is the old disk and /media/user/XXXXXX is a mounted backup directory):

    dd if=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c  > /media/user/XXXXXX/sda.img.gz
    fdisk -l /dev/sda > /media/user/XXXXXX/
  5. Remove the old disk and plug the new one in, boot to an Ubuntu CD/DVD and enter this command:

    gunzip -c /media/user/XXXXXX/sda.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=64K

File /media/user/XXXXXX/ will contain some interesting information, such as cylinder size, etc, in case you need them.

You can see more information regarding this issue here:

Source : Link , Question Author : LakshyaAg , Answer Author : Calabacin

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