AWS API Gateway: self-signed cert for backend HTTP endpoint integration

I have a simple AWS API gateway endpoint. It accepts an https GET request, this is passed to a back-end https API via an integraiton request, and returns simple JSON.

This works great when we hit a back-end with an SSL cert from a trusted 3rd party CA. However, in QA, we use a self-signed cert issued to the server, and the name of the server does not match the URL used to hit it.

When we attempt to hit the API gateway stage in QA, it returns a ‘504’. When we hit it in prod, it works just fine.

My assumption is that the API gateway silently failing because of a certificate mismatch, and throwing a timeout error (Gateway Timeout 504). Any way to get around this with API gateway, or am I going to have to set up a ‘proper’ cert?




Source : Link , Question Author : Mr.Budris , Answer Author : Community

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