Automate configuration change on Outlook 2007

I am migrating a bunch of mailboxes to google apps. Each user owns several mailboxes each serving different domains (john has,, and so on…)

Currently, those accounts are hosted on (edit:NOT an exchange server) an old SMTP/POP server we want to replace, and I need to edit their outlook 2007 configuration to change the pop, smtp and password parameters.

The hard way to do it is to connect to each outlook session and edit the parameters manually. I want to avoid that. Because that represents over 700 accounts spread between 40 users… :'(

How can I automate this configuration change ? In the active directory ? Using a PRF file ?

note: I’m a linux sysadmin with very little knowledge of windows’s black magic.


If your users are using Outlook as an Exchange client, which really is how they should be using it if they have an Exchange server, then moving to POP3/SMTP requires a complete reconfiguration of Outlook; they will also be in for some really nasty surprise if they are used to sharing calendars and do some of the other many things that Exchange supports.

Anyway, I’m not here to question your choices… but moving Outlook from being an Exchange client to plain POP3/SMTP automatically for all your users is definitely not trivial. Something can probably be achieved using .PRF files, but this is neither trivial, too.

Source : Link , Question Author : Julien Vehent , Answer Author : Massimo

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