Apple Script: cannot call id3tag from script with “do shell script”

Trying to rename mp3s from an apple script which will be part of a larger script including Audio Hijacker.

set folder_p to "/Users/me/Music/"
set folder_path to POSIX path of folder_p
set file_path to ("\"" & folder_path & "one.mp3" & "\"")

do shell script (" id3tag " & " -AHEROR" & file_path)

The last command yields this error message:

error "sh: id3tag: command not found" number 127

When I call id3tag directly from the command line this works but in the script it fails. Any ideas what to do? I installed id3tag with brew.


ok solved. Thx.

do shell script ("/usr/local/Cellar/id3lib/3.8.3_1/bin/id3tag " & " -A HHHHHHH " & file_path)

Source : Link , Question Author : Sam , Answer Author : Sam

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