Apple OSX with JVM support (or any virtual machine) [duplicate]

Few things I didn’t understand on OS X…

From 2010 until today…

  • Throughout the internet there were several sources stating that according to Apple’s EULA it wasn’t legal to run any virtual machine (including JVM) on OS X 10.5 and above.

  • As time passed, internet sources stated that JVM shipping with OS X was deprecated only and Oracle took over the updates.

Currently, is it legal to run JVM on OS X? If so, does Apple supports it?

All Apple’s i-devices will never run JVM (at least not support it). I don’t know what’s the future on this issue, but it seems that there JVMs for i-devices, but are they legal?


Certainly the last few versions of OSX haven’t shipped with a JRE but if you try to run any .jar file a message pops up and asks if you want to download one. This come from them directly and is supported by them although it’s almost 100% pure Oracle code.

Source : Link , Question Author : lionheart , Answer Author : Chopper3

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