append multiple files in descending order in dos cmd

I have some files with names 93112.txt, 93111.txt, 93110.txt etc.
I want to put them into a single combined file such that
the largest number file goes in first, then the next smaller
…and finally the smallest.

I need a short DOS command to do it.Any pointers?


Try this:

dir /b | sort /r > sorted.txt

  • dir /b prints only the item names in a directory.
  • | pipes the output of dir /b to sort.
  • sort /r preforms a reverse (descending) natural sort of the item names.
  • > sorted.txt redirects the standard output of sort to a text file (sorted.txt).


  • Unlike sort, dir outputs item names in lexographical order, which can affect items with numbers in their names (e.g. 1, 2, 12, 22 is sorted as 1, 12, 2, 22).

  • For your use case, it is likely undesirable to use dir /b by itself (without sort).

  • dir /b includes all file and subdirectory names in a directory.

  • Any output text file (e.g. sorted.txt) will be created before dir /b is executed.

  • To avoid having e.g. sorted.txt included in sorted.txt, run these commands outside the directory you wish to sort and specify a path to the directory in dir /b (i.e. use dir /b "C:\path\to\folder" in place of dir /b).

  • You can use . as a shorthand reference to the current directory to avoid typing e.g. C:\long\path\to\current\directory.

  • More information on Windows dir and sort commands.

I need to append the files in the descending order of names.

You will need a second command to loop through your files and concatenate them after you have produced your list of sorted names (e.g. sorted.txt). As an example:

FOR /F "tokens=*" %i IN (sorted.txt) DO type "C:\path\to\folder\%i" >> appended_items.txt

For batch files, use %% rather than % (which is what you would use at the command line). Note that >> is used with the type command to append to an existing file (e.g. appended_items.txt).

Source : Link , Question Author : ravi , Answer Author : Anaksunaman

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