Antivirus for a mail server to scan emails for virus

I have a requirement as follows
“I have a site in which the end user is asked to upload a file which is directly sent to the client. Those files are not stored on my server. Now the issue is I don’t want my client to complain having virus in the files which go through my mailing server to his systems. So I want to scan all the email traffic in order to detect and remove the virus in the email docs posted by the users.”

Is there any way I can do this??
Is there any kind of antivirus which can sit along with email server and scan the email traffic??

Open to any kind of suggestions..


If you’re using Exim, I would recommand looking into Mailscanner ( with SpamAssassin. I used this for years and it’s incredibly effective and flexible.

Source : Link , Question Author : Bharath ABK , Answer Author : Coding Gorilla

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