Android Device connection problem

My problem is not seeing my android device on my Ubuntu.
Details are:

  • I have Ubuntu 16.10 installed on my computer.
  • I don’t have any issue connecting other Usb or external HDD to my device.
  • My phone is Samsung with android.
  • It is already enabled MTP mode
  • I cannot see my device at all event with Disks or GParted
  • My phone get charged ones I connect
  • I tried to change connection cable ( original ones is used)

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Actually the problem has been resolved.
Even I was using the original cable, (which was working fine before) it was the problem. Later on I tried to borrow some new cable from a friend and now I connected my device.
Thanks again @Android Dev and LiveWireBT

Source : Link , Question Author : Gunay , Answer Author : Gunay

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