Analyzing twitter packets [closed]

Thanks for your time. I’d like to find a way if a client has made a ‘GET’ or a ‘POST’ request for twitter.

We are currently doing an educational project and we wanted to understand how we can achieve this.


  1. We are using Wireshark for Sniffing twitter’s traffic.

  2. We are getting a lot of data packets, the question is: How do i differentiate between a GET and a POST request? Is this possible?

Note: I understand that Twittter uses HTTPS to encrypt traffic. But, if i’m not mistaken, POST/GET call(request) happens before the certificate exchange. I’m just interested if the call is GET/POST. (I’m not interested in data)



You cannot decipher HTTPS traffic unless you do one of the following:

  1. Have the private key
  2. Do a Man-In-The-Middle attack where you intercept the SSL request, pretend to be the end client, decrypt it, inspect it, and then re-encrypt the data with your own root certificate and send it on to your end-client that trusts your root certificate.

What you can glean from the request:

  • Source IP
  • Source Port
  • Destination IP
  • Destination Port
  • Hostname (if the server, and the client, are using SNI)

Let’s assume that you have a method of reading this HTTPS traffic, or are using regular HTTP. Then you need to read up on your RFC2616 to see how a HTTP packet is structured. Wireshark can decode these natively, so in the header you would see a GET or a POST directive.

Source : Link , Question Author : Dark Knight , Answer Author : Mark Henderson

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