AMD Phenom II core speed keeps going up and down, cool & quiet is off

I have an AMD Phenom II X4 955 that keeps going up and down between 800mhz and 3.2ghz. The multiplier also goes up and down between 4x and 16x. It does this several times a second regardless of load — resulting in an incredibly frustrating hiccup.

I disabled Cool & Quiet in BIOS — didn’t change anything.

So I tried setting the CPU processor speed between 100% and 100% in Catalyst Control Center AMD VISION Engine Control Center — still goes down below the minimum to 800mhz regardless. Of course, I made sure to set the power profile to High Performance.

So I tried disabling Cool & Quiet using an open-source tool called PhenomMsrTweaker — still no difference.

Any idea what else could be causing this?


Your problem is most likely heat. Everything you are doing is just making the CPU hotter, making things even worse. Put the settings you messed up back to their defaults and then you can troubleshoot the real problem. (Which is most likely heat.)

Source : Link , Question Author : Rei Miyasaka , Answer Author : David Schwartz

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