Allow read only access to Mailbox

I would like team leaders read-only access to all team member mailboxes. This permissions must apply to all folders and inherit to new folders.

I would like to achieve this without modifying permissions from the client application.

Can anyone help me achieve this?


As pointed out in the comments, this is not correct (even though it comes from Technet – go figure), but Exfolders, formerly known as PFDAVAdmin, does provide this functionality.

With PowerShell, it’s pretty easy.

This example grants Ayla Kol read permission to Tony Smith’s mailbox.

 Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "Tony Smith" -User "Ayla Kol" -AccessRights ReadPermission

You can either write a little script to find team leaders and their team members to feed into that cmdlet, or if your environment’s a small one, you could always just do it manually.

Source : Link , Question Author : Ablue , Answer Author : HopelessN00b

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