Adding expire headers to content served from CDN?

I’m using MaxCDN to serve content to my blog using W3 Total Cache. The problem I’m running into when evaluating my site using Google Page Speed and YSlow! is that expire headers are not being sent on content delivered from the CDN, nor are they coming from a cookieless domain.

Is this something that is completely in the hands of my CDN or is it something I can fix using my server configuration?

Some info about my setup:

  • nginx with php-fastcgi
  • wordpress 3.0
  • w3 total cache 0.9a (dev release)
  • MaxCDN
  • the site:


If your blog is sending proper expire headers, the CDN should obey them and will likely also forward them to your users. MaxCDN is built on nginx, so you should be familiar with the functionality.

Source : Link , Question Author : Community , Answer Author : gekkz

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