Add column to Tweetdeck for all tweets sent out

I currently have a column that contains a Twitter group/list containing only my twitter account. However, this doesn’t capture the reply or retweets I send. They only contain basic original tweets.

Is there a way to add a column to Tweetdeck that displays all tweets I make?

It should basically look like the data in a user’s twitter URL (example: where all sent tweets are shown (retweets, replies to specific user, etc).


For anyone else finding this question via Google, Tweetdeck has apparently added some features in the 5 years since the question was first posted.

You can add a “User” column now to get all tweets and retweets that you yourself do. There’s no need for a workaround using a “Search” column.

Source : Link , Question Author : spong , Answer Author : mdahlman

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